TransCelebration Dreaming December 2013
How do we get more people involved in Transition stuff happening?
Welcome pack list that property managers can
give to new tenants and real estate agents can give to residence purchasers
Posters in places where people wait like
doctors surgeries, dentists, etc
Eye catching vehicle for taxi visible all the
Interviews/talks on 2BBB
Soapbox talks – media flooding of info
Information on Seed Savers market stall about
Transition stuff
Social media/Facebook page
Eye catching headings eg “End the stigma of
List of organisations you can donate 1 or 2
hours per week
Schools? Pre-schools? Younger people?
Be relevant, interesting, welcoming, and lots
of fun
Regular column in the Courier-Sun
Everyone bring one friend to a forum,
meeting, etc, someone with no prior connection.
Talk to the View Clubs of Bellingen and
Dorrigo, the Senior Citizens, Rotary, etc
What ideas do we have for projects that can get going in 2014?
Get schoolkids to do “magic school bus” walks
to weed, pick, then prepare food collected.
Bee Sanctuary
Food festival
Soapbox talks
Consolidate and get more “worker bees” into
existing groups
Community taxi or owned by TB?
Walk Bus run!
Gift trading website using asset register
(using asset based community development principles) ie connecting people with gifts to others
especially people whose skills are hidden/undervalued eg isolated.
Make clear how people can participate in
groups/causes etc
Regular columns in community section,
What topics should we have for our forums in 2014?
Regular forums building the energy project
Facilitating change
Hovercrafts from Bello to Urunga, Repton, et
Revisit “why Transition?” and “Transition to
Ethical investment/banking
Heal the rift between Council and Community
Hemp talk: perhaps items made from hemp to
show (unknown to some its diversity)
Community involvement and awareness
Engaging community assets, particularly
people/groups not involved/valued
Project finance on a community basis
Should Transition Bellingen have formal membership?
No – being on the database and receiving the
TB e-news gives you a sense of belonging/being a member
No, I love it as it is.
No: but keep people
No: if people are interested they’ll support.
Some may not join if they have to pay!!!
Yes, money helps and it creates opportunities
and a network for communication....(comment following on from that) Separate
“belonging and funding”
Optional? Annual prompt?
No, the potential for people not currently
involved to be alienated is greater than the potential benefits ....(comment
following on from that) I agree!
How should we fundraise for a part-time Transition coordinator?
Monthly joint garage sale at Showgrounds
perhaps (people donate, like free)
Local Food Festival
Membership moneys
Dave from Hearthfire has good ideas
Liaise and enlist the services of the Council
Sustainability Officer and Grants
Crowd sourcing
Kickstarter funding for community taxi (like
Totness) cooking oil run. Use taxi as a moving billboard for TB activities,
then get taxi and do deliveries. Money earner!! Tourist attraction.