Economics of Happiness Outcomes

The workshops were held in Bellingen on 11 and 12 April 2014

Helena Norberg-Hodge facilitated the workshops
more photographs at  

Ideas from The Economics of Happiness Workshops 

Following the workshops, a small group of writers/editors was formed to create 
regular 'Strengthening Local Communities' articles for our local newspaper. 
The aim is to profile successful localisation initiatives and ideas from around globe and explore
 how they might be relevant to the Bellingen Shire. 

The next steps for this group are to work up some sample articles and approach the newspaper
 with the idea. Anyone interested in writing and/or editing for this group can contact 
Melissa via

The ideas from the Economics of Happiness workshops that had tables were:

Friday 11 April 2014

(notice most are projects that are already being worked on, except for BALLE)

Vicki - SEA

Kev Doye - BALLE (Business Alliance for Local Living Economies)

Paul Forrest - Myra Wani

David Pepper - Food Exchange/Freemarket

My Holland - Happiness/Kindness

Kirsten and Sonia - Plant Based Economy

Saturday 12 April 2014

(mostly ideas for new projects)

Steve - Plant Based Economy

Melissa - New Economy editorial group for the C-S

Vicki -SEA

Linda Dalton - buying the IGA as a community

Bruce Meder (from Coffs) - "Connect the Dots" creating conversation

Jennie Fenton - Social Inclusion - story telling (sat with Bruce)

Gary Norfolk (Bundagen) - Good Company Practice - no more description

Elisabeth - (from Emerald Beach) - creating cultural connections

John Vernon - using local plants more 

John Cielenski - Creating an Eco Hamlet