- small scale family farms for local produce
- self reliance for local food production (2)
- milking cows
- locally made cheeses
- chooks in every back yard (2)
- good quality tap water
- sharing tasks & specialising (some doing chooks,
others milk etc) (2)
- making own food, clothes & housing sustainably,
as needed
- old preserving techniques (have workshops)
- GMO food agriculture
- food - simple, local and delicious (2)
- the Gelato Bar
- all available public space used for publicly available
food (using saved seed)
- herbs/veggies round fruit trees on nature strips, in
planter boxes, green spaces (5)
- edible useful plants in gardens, on verges in town
everywhere (fruit & nuts)(7)
- public bushfood gardens
- community gardens on public & other spaces (3)
- permaculture everywhere – weekly permablitz (2)
- food security organic and safe - locally grown (2)
- community shared agriculture - local foods grown
- rice growing
- maize growing - need grain for food security (3) and
- making farming sexy!
- food retailers donating 5% of output to community
- local nutrious food prepared locally for hospital/
meals on wheels etc (3)
- healthy food for all
- permanent growers market in town linked to community
- free market every month - coming together to take, give, share -
- a full organic co-op (with volunteers) in town
- community owned electricity production (2)
- water tanks, fuel stoves (2)
- overhead powerlines and other cables (3)
· locally produced and
maintained electricity (2)
· community owned
renewable energy (solar/methane/wind farm etc) (4)
· harness energy from
floods, damless hydro (3)
· shared energy sources
from homes into (shire-wide) standalone community grid (3)
· regional self sufficiency
· frequency-based power
· no 'stand-by' on
- local hospital at full operational standard
- hospital kitchen open
- hospital growing own fruit and vegetables
- hospital as a more social, friendly part of the
- home birth and wholistic birthing centres
- elder generation being ‘doula’ support for 6 weeks
after birth -- cooking, cleaning, emotional support
- celebrating birth not 'managing' it
- preventative health care
- more support for families (broad definition)
- the hospital and friendly environment
- drinking water bubblers in town
- birth known as normal, everyday event, we naturally
have knowledge about (3)
- birth understood as women's business
- respect in wider community for birth 'elders'
- respect and support for the profession of independent
- fluoride in water (2)
- closing our hospital
- cows in the river
- constant legal and legislative challenges to birth
- medical control of midwives practice or birth choices
- having birth taken from us
- unsafe care/laws/rules
- fear based care (2)
- being hoodwinked into thinking we have no power
- good quality tap water
- our knowledge of how to birth our babies gently to
create a more gentle world
- birth knowledge and power
- bliss and lifelong power women experience from a beautiful
- our rights to birth where and with whom we choose
- keep hospital
- local hospital services
- hospital maintained
- build and own our own hospital/ wholistic medical
- smoke free town (cigarettes)
- water bottle refill stations
- more drinking taps in town = less plastic
- health & well being for aboriginal children (2)
- conception, pregnancy, birth preparation & early
post-natal cherished by everyone
- creating a more gentle world by birthing gently, in a
well-supported atmosphere
- wholistic free health centre
- community run wholistic birth centre -
conception/pregnancy/birth/post & ante-natal, addressing emotional
& spiritual needs as well as physical
- sanctuary space to connect during pregnancy &
birth, alternative to being at home (3)
- every baby, child in Bello cherished/celebrated/ born
into a circle of loving support (3)
- support network for birth workers
- Medicare funding for all births in all settings (3)
- continuity of care in childbirth
- hospital with hospice facilities for dying people
- hospital = healing spiritual retreat with good food
- hospital workers unstressed and healthy
- hospital with many different modalities
- hospital with range of therapies and more 'open' to
kids, pets, ideas
- hospital surrounded by vegie and herb gardens used by
hospital kitchen
- hospital with flowers, sweet smells, soft colours,
art on the walls
- hospital accepting w/o discrimination women in labour
needing transfer from homebirth
- natural healing not hospital
- voluntary teams to support workings of hospital,
schools etc
- more and better aged care -older people being
centrally located and honoured
- excellent standard of care and inclusiveness for ill,
disabled and elderly people
- circles of support throughout the community
- hierarchical, secretive, exclusive, self serving
processes of managing (2)
- centralised energy, decisions, government
- Council mismanaged
- Council losing ratepayers money in stockmarket
leaving little for infrastructure.
- Council lack of long term vision
- decisions taken slowly, transparently and together
- people's council (2) - collaborative community
decision making
- quieter - happier more practical meetings
- a model for decision making that is efficient and
considers all needs
- use of openspace technology to get things going
- openness in relation to Council (& vice versa),
petitions/participatory decision making
- Council listening to residents and acting on that
- planning control to protect the "vision"
- children playing safely everywhere
- nurturing our youth
- groups that engage youth in great ways
- nice kids with sticky fingers and ice cream
youth /community centre /space (5)
collective church/youth event/venue (rotational)
more youth/family controlled spaces(merge CWA,Sen Cits,Red
Cross to free up space)
places and services for younger people - sport, film,
theatre - especially at night
large friendly space for the youth of Bellingen to
organise their own centre
community-owned childrens centre
mobile play-bus for children 0-5 & Mobile playgroup
safely fenced, decent playgrounds, better equipment (3)
provision for Bellingen teenage youth (particulary 12-17)
youth involvement
activities for teenagers organised by teenagers
places to create using young people's interest
- safe roads for school buses
- safety on roads ref trucks coming through
- no petrol machines in the town
- less traffic
- low energy transport
- integrated public /community transport (2)
- horses for transport, carriages to outlying areas
- local transport network
- noisy, smelly traffic in Hyde Street (7)
- bad parking at tourist info centre and library
- parking meters
- logging and large logging trucks (3)
- speeding and bad driving along Waterfall Way
- bad roads & Council not fixing them
- addiction to car use, car centric culture (2)
- lots of car travel, getting everywhere quickly
- driving to Coffs every morning
- oil-fuelled anything
car free zone in CBD - no cars (2)
regular car free days
a bypass/ tunnel for through traffic (3)
main street one lane, lights at each end
more pedestrian crossings - monument, court house, PO to
council park
roundabout at PO corner
streetscape to reflect sustainability philosophy
better parking
more disabled parking closer to shopping
bridge linking north and south during floods
safe, extensive bicycle tracks and safe access everywhere
good pathways to connect the town for walking
walking & safe biking paths off road Urunga to Dorrigo
life and work travel by bikes & sustainably powered
public transport (3)
community-owned electric car/bike fleet: share, pick up,
return points plug in (2)
locally made, maintained transport - reliable group
transport systems
public transport systems - mini bus shuttles
more transport sharing, less private cars in Bellingen
workmen’s buses to take and collect from all trade jobs
workmen’s equipment collected and delivered by a back-up
truck daily
emission-free vehicles
car-sharing cooperatives
safe hitch-hiking system
horses and carts, hitching posts & water troughs in
town (3)
travel Armidale to coast - no cars, mixture of electric
bicycles, horses
horse tracks and horse parking in town
light railway on the highway
personal hover vehicles - no need for roads (2)
- the hospital and friendly environment
- heritage buildings retaining original features etc
- ACE etc supporting locals, local industry, trade & services, organic
- drinking water bubblers in town
- the lolly shop
- water tanks, fuel stoves (2)
- caravan park
- picnic facilities
- clean streets with unblocked drains
- gardens and parks taken care of
- police station fully manned
- community responsibility for local infrastructure
- entire community built of networks
- volunteer groups for maintenance of community assets
verges, parks (rostered)
- vandalism (4)
- TV & endless hours in front of various screens
(use local library & internet for research)
- litter (on roadside etc)
- gutters broken by old street trees - need to plant new ones to replace these
by 2020
- spaces to walk/talk with locals
- Cemetery Creek, Bellingen Park
- Bellingen Market and Growers Market (3)
- shared meeting places
- swimming in the
- community gardens
- community radio
- community support centre (e.g. neighbourhood centre)
- community groups such as Transition Bellingen
- all local services
- our council remaining independent
- youth /community centre /space (5)
- make more use of church buildings
- collective church/youth event/venue (rotational)
- more youth/family controlled spaces(merge CWA,Sen
Cits,Red Cross to free up space)
- places and services for younger people - sport, film,
theatre - especially at night
- night time community gatherings in town (on Telstra
- late night music venues
- large friendly space for the youth of Bellingen to
organise their own centre
- community-owned childrens centre
- mobile play-bus for children 0-5 & Mobile
playgroup 9.30-12pm
- safely fenced, decent playgrounds, better equipment
- community maintenance of communal buildings,
infrastructure and homes
- affordable housing for renting or buying
- non environmentally sound building practices
- high density housing and housing development
- bog standard urban development
- high-rise buildings
- uncontrolled development
- inadequate housing
- expensive rental accommodation moving us towards a
yuppy Byron for the rich
- unhealthy mouldy environments
- government initiatives that are not wanted by the
- eco village clusters, for young/old (3)
- community housing pods -expand/contract/stage of life
- sustainable design for all houses - living example of
sustainable houses and gardens
- all new development showcasing sustainable and
affordable housing
- community housing
- affordable aesthetic accommodation
- new housing integrated into the environment, more
trees kept in developments
- short term community housing assistance on
farms/communities in return for work
- use of local materials - hemp, timber, earth
- locally made community housing plus shared
micro-local resources
- change laws to establish more communities outside of
town eg Homelands (community title too expensive, multiple occupancy too
- low cost housing with big gardens for veggies
- paint the buildings in the main street
- simple, localised, community-focused economy eg local
shops at Gleniffer
- making sustainable local products
- more people living and working on the land
- mutuality -
the co-op
- cooperatives for consumables
- keeping businesses local
- multinationals in the town - no MacDonalds, Woolies,
Bunnings, MNC (4)
- living as if we had 4 planets, excessive debt, no
regard for future generations
- mortgages
- capitalism
- simple lifestyle affordable for people with one
- organic & sustainable ventures & living -food
- sustainable farming/gardening (not shed/penned
milking cows)
- small local businesses - no multinationals/
- Bello Market (best market ever) and Growers Market
- local skill-based economy - bartering of services
- widespread bartering system
- local currency to stop money drain (e.g. LETS)(3)
- move from money-based economy - more sharing, status
not based on wealth
- skill sharing - central database enabling exchange of
skills, produce etc
- sustainable Community Resource Directory giving modes
of availability
- continued
- more jobs for our young people
- sustainable enterprises for youth
- opportunities for people to return to Bellingen
- community food/employment -
- ally our interests with local businesses and farms
- star rate business based on social/environmental
- more variety in shop types
- less reliance on 'big money' commercial products
- local existing trading functional, with beautiful
goods and services
- simplified technology requiring cooperatives for
harvest, building etc
- living totally sustainably, sharing & swapping to
attain that
- shorter working days with the help of trhe community
veggie garden
- develop eco-tourism route
- daily or weekly central local market - Church Street
mall (4)
- permanent growers market in town linked to community
- free market every month - coming together to take, give, share -
- a full organic co-op (with volunteers) in town
- localised living economies
engagement with feeling and senses - not just thinking
respecting responsibility for earth
respect for people and resources
community values and support for neighbours
everyone feeling they have an essential and creative role
in the community
valuing older people for their experience/wisdom/skills
elderly and disabled socially integrated, not isolated (2)
intergenerational interconnectedness - integration
same old people still in town - long-staying in community
people having time for each other
diversity of people
chores shared joyously
less money more time
creating time
taking deep breaths
genuine laid-back Bello (without pretentiousness)
- vandals and vandalism (4)
- shaming and intimidation
- loneliness, fear, selfishness
- cynical, judging attitudes
- negative talk, no listening
- defeat
- inequality
- exploitation
- secrets and lies
- pretentiousness
- waiting for someone else to do things (eg Kevin)
- lack of time to talk to people,help,get to know,spend
time with elderly/disabled
- money and clock ruling our lives
- me/mine in the sense of money and materialism
- questionnaires
- super hero myths
- boguns and rednecks
- racism - bad in the past, still here to some extent
- us vs. them - eg old-timers & original settlers
vs newcomers/hippies/tre-changers
- normalisation of heavy marijuana growing/smoking,
creating paranoia, distrust,insularity
- unacceptable behaviour - thuggery, theft, violence
- community spirit and overall tolerance (7)
- small vibrant community with room for differing
- diversity (2)
- good mix of farm/hippy/city - be what you want
- inclusivity, acceptance
- friendliness (3)
- welcoming, smiling people
- respecting each other (3)
- valuing each others strengths
- feeling of belonging to place
- know thy neighbour, cherishing one another (2)
- local security, even very local eg neighbours
- healthy and healing
- nurturing connectiveness
- extended common unity
- acknowledgement of our spirit
- life based on connection and mutuality, not dollars
- people not valuing cars/material things too much -
great to raise kids here
- experiencing instead of expending
- giving time/energy to one another -connection in
spirit w/animals,earth,food (2)
- value of slowing down - less hurry (2)
- people not working much - time for
- defining family as people in your heart, not
necessarily in your blood
- cultural freedom (2)
- freedom of expression
- passion to make change and embrace it, alternative
ideas, global ideas
- our "greeniness"
- our knowledge of how to birth our babies gently to
create a more gentle world
- birth knowledge and power
- bliss and lifelong power women experience from a
beautiful birth
- our rights to birth where and with whom we choose
- creative permission - individual, contracts between
partners to agree to local risk
(meaning not having lives dictated by insurance companies)
- relating to others with holistic values, for the good
of all, at all times
- slowing down, having more time for each other (2)
- more time to breathe, be with and listen to each
other (4)
- self-awareness, inner balance and wisdom valued
- looking after everyone
- community interest in individual welfare
- teenagers' energy valued
- children having responsibility and hope
- respect for our youth
- Gumbayngirr names for places
- traditional aboriginal names for hills, creeks etc
- Aboriginal stories including experiences since
european settlement
- Aboriginal knowledge made visible (e.g. at the Info
- local Aboriginal history - good and sad stories (of
what we did)
- education by elders
- knowledge of what used to happen in local area when
first settled
- Alma Doepel
- old skills, sharing local knowledge - horses,
woodworking with hand tools (2)
- "neighbourhood watch" in a good trusting
- the good old days, village square culture (2)
- crime
- community music, art, culture (5)
- festivals - jazz, global (4)
- creative, alternative, artistic
- music in Church Street and shady trees
- café culture
- wonderful shops
- historic facades of buildings
- Chrysalis School
- wharf at the river
- our elders (2)
- history
- history of natural birth in the Shire
- rich diversity of our community
- small, close-knit community
- simple lifestyles and alternative lifestyles
- Church Street public event monthly (road closed,
movie, food, shops open)
- end of day celebrations, dancing, stories, laughter
- music jam space
- many celebrations - equinoxes, solstice, full moons
- more multicultural celebrations ie yearly
- sharing music and art and nurturing each other
- more public art/ street art
- Bellingen beacon of art, culture, healing and wisdom
- statue of Adam Gilchrist
- soil fertility
- native vegetation and natural habitats
- old growth trees which were used to build the town's
- knowledge on natural environment - natives,
bushtucker, prior to logging
- deep river system that is healthy to swim in
- drinkable river water (3)
- travelling using the river
- parties on boats on the river (2)
- proper flood mitigation
- clean water
- quiet
- moonlight
- fluoride in water (2)
- camphor laurels
- cows in the river
- polluted river and degraded banks
- poisoning of weeds
- water restrictions
- mosquitoes
- Indian Myna birds
- plastic bags & other waste packaging, all plastic
- Gleniffer river, beaches, rainforests, green valleys
- national parks (4)
- lots of green areas outside the town
- water, vegetation, rugged landscape
- our abundant trees (2)
- our river (3)
- rain water
- clean fresh air (4)
- sun hours
- bushland/native fauna/ natural beauty
- beauty of our countryside, trees, river
- treeplanting - looking after this beautiful place
- birdsong
- peaceful environment (3)
- clean water - river always clean (2)
- river used for drinking, swimming and as a social
- sewage disposal not in river/ water not mixed with
human waste
- dealing with own waste, composting toilets, sewage
disposal - not water based (2)
- more rainwater collection
- neighbourhood water storage
- cycle-friendly town planning
- real protection of threatened species