Sunday, May 11, 2014

Looking for people who want to help to make things happen Thursday 15 May 2014

WHAT:  You are invited to an important Transition Bellingen gathering this coming Thursday, 15 May - from 7:00-9:00 pm at the Bellingen Youth Hub (William St, Bellingen).

From 7:00-8:00 the focus will be on "Transition Culture" - who is Transition and how and why does it work? From 8:00-9:00 we will move into active planning mode.

WHY: Transition Bellingen has been going strong since 2009. And that is because there have been a lot of people putting the hard yards in. Right now, inspired by our latest workshops and all the ideas and projects that have come up because of them, Transition Bellingen is in need of people who are keen to take on some useful tasks - publicity, meeting facilitation, project planning, all that good stuff! If you are looking to do some good work with some great people for a meaningful purpose....COME ALONG to the gathering. If you can't make it but would still like to put your hand up for a task/job/project - contact us


And furthermore..

At the recent Economics of Happiness workshops, a small group of writers/editors was formed to create regular 'Strengthening Local Communities' articles for our local newspaper. The aim is to profile successful localisation initiatives and ideas from around globe and explore how they might be relevant to the Bellingen Shire. The next steps for this group are to work up some sample articles and approach the newspaper with the idea. Anyone interested in writing and/or editing for this group can contact Melissa via